
BadLand Indie is Headed to gamescom 2015

BadLand Indie Headed to gamescom 2015 Spain/UK (24/07/2015)- BadLand Indie, international publishing division of Spanish distribution company BadLand Games, is proud to announce its presence at gamescom 2015 in Cologne, Germany. For the company’s first gamescom they will have a booth situated in the business area which can be found easily with the stand number […]

We’ve added shoot-em-up “Doryoku Way: Conflict” to our collection!

Madrid, Spain (21/07/2015) – Shmup fans in search of the elusive capsule, prepare yourselves for the coming danmaku! BadLand Indie recently teamed up with Uchronic Games and added Doryoku Way: Conflict, a Bullet Hell game, to its collection of titles. The ninth game to join the BadLand Indie brand, Doryoku Way: Conflict is an R-Type […]

Castles Greenlit!

Castles, the adventure/action puzzle game that takes you way back (all the way to the medieval), has been Greenlit less than two weeks into its Steam Greenlight campaign. Feedback from Steam users is enthusiastic with comments stating “I think this would be amazing with friends” and that it looks “addictive, charistmatic, and frenetic”. Steam users are […]

Castles Greenlit!

Castles, el juego que consiste en puzles de aventura/acción y te lleva de nuevo a la época medieval, ha sido aceptado en menos de dos semanas en la campaña Greenlight de Steam. La reacción de los usuarios de Steam está siendo muy entusiasta con comentarios como: “Creo que sería genial jugar con los amigos” y […]

Gamelab BCN 2015

¡En BadLand Indie estamos orgullosos de tener en Gamelab 2015 no uno, ni dos, sino tres juegos indie! Del 24 al 26 de julio el público y la prensa podrán probar: Heart&Slash de Aheartfulofgames Castles de Whootgames Ginger: Beyond the Crystal Drakhar Studios Si vas a visitar Gamelab no te pierdas estos títulos y tendrás una buena dosis […]

Gamelab 2015 Barcelona

  At Gamelab 2015 BadLand Indie is proud to have not one, not two, but three indie games represented! July 24-26 the public and press will be able to see and test: Heart&Slash from Aheartfulofgames Castles from Whootgames Ginger: Beyond the Crystal from Drakhar Studios If you’re headed to Gamelab, be sure to check out these titles to get a […]

BadLand Indie Steam Greenlight Collection

Now it’s easier than ever to follow BadLand Indie’s upcoming games, without ever leaving Steam, on our BadLand Indie Steam Collection page. At the moment, we have three games in the collection, Heart&Slash, Anoxemia, and Anima Gate of Memories with more games in the works. If you like these and other indie titles, go leave us some happy […]

BadLand Indie Steam Collection

Ahora es más facil que nunca seguir los lanzamientos de BadLand Indie sin salir de Steam visitando la página de BadLand Indie Steam Collection. De momento tenemos tres juegos en la colección, Heart&Slash, Anoxemia, y Anima Gate of Memories a los que pronto se unirán más. Si te molan estos juegos y otro títulos indie, […]

Bienvenido al mágico mundo de Illusoria

Bienvenido al mágico mundo de Illusoria Illusoria narra la historia de un joven, que sin saber cómo, aparece en un extraño mundo del cual no sabe nada. Dentro de este mundo inhóspito y hostil sus problemas no son solo los lugares llenos de peligros, el mayor problema será que los seres que habitan dicho mundo… […]