Badland Games June 2016 Newsletter
Welcome to the June issue and first monthly newsletter from Badland Games. We hope to send you the latest Indie range news, releases and promotions, keeping you well informed now and in the future.
We are all connected: The internet of things
What is, The Internet of things? This is basically a concept of connecting any device to the internet to each other. This includes everything from mobile phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, almost anything that can be connected through the internet. By 2020 there will be over 26 billion connected devices, however some have even estimated that this number could be over 100 billion.
La música de Anima
Anima: Gate of Memories incluye dos estilos de música diferentes que se emplearán en función de la situación y que aportan al juego una personalidad propia y una esencia única.
The music that makes Anima: Gate of Memories
Anima: Gate of Memories uses two different music styles, which will alternate depending on each situation to give its own personality and essence to the game.
The more pre-eminent one (which we could even call “core style”) will be a background orchestra filled with atmospheric themes touched with a mix of melancholy and mystery. As a contrast, the combat themes will take a different direction, aiming for a rock style that will transmit to the player the tension of the battles.
Los personajes de Anima: Parte 3
Elienai Elienai, considerada la mayor santa de la historia, es una mujer extraña que ayudará tanto a Ergo como a La Portadora en su lucha contra los Mensajeros durante todo el juego. Durante siglos ha coordinado en secreto al consejo de cardenales y hay quienes creen que dirige la Iglesia de Nathaniel desde las sombras. […]
Characters in Anima: Gate of Memories Part 3
Elienai, considered the greatest saint in history, is a strange woman who will help Ergo and The Bearer against The Messengers throughout the game. For centuries she has been the secret coordinator of the council of cardinals, and some people believe that she leads the Church and Nathaniel from the shadows.
Cyberspace was described by William Gibson as a“consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators…” It is a new reality, built on top of our current one – a virtual space allowing us to do and experience things that may be impossible in the physical world, at least under current circumstances and in our current physical bodies.
Los personajes de Anima: Parte 2
Durante todo el juego, los Mensajeros son los principales antagonistas, unas criaturas enviadas al interior de Arcane con recuerdos y mentes capaces de moldear las cámaras de las ruinas.
Characters in Anima: Gate of Memories Part 2
Throughout almost the entire game The Messengers play the role of the main antagonists. However who is this strange character nicknamed “The Nameless”
Los personajes de Anima: Parte 1
La Portadora es uno de los dos protagonistas del juego y una de sus bazas principales. Es una joven de veinte años que trabaja en secreto para una organización sagrada llamada Nathaniel como cazadora de pesadillas. Hace una década despertó a un ente conocido como Ergo Mundus y firmó un pacto con él. Este imprevisible acontecimiento le permitió controlar parcialmente a la criatura y compartir algunos de sus poderes.