
Heart&Slash: Robots, Strength, Bone & Brain

When it comes to robots, reality still lags behind sci fi. However, just because robots have not lived up to their threats in past decades in the media does not mean that it will not come. Certainly, the meeting of several advanced technologies is bringing the age of robots ever closer and cheaper than ever.


HEART&SLASH, NUEVO LANZAMIENTO DEL CATÁLOGO PROPIO Madrid, 10 de junio de 2016.- El brawler 3D Heart&Slash, publicado por BadLand Games y desarrollado por el estudio español Aheartfulofgames, será lanzado el próximo 24 de junio a nivel internacional. En formato digital estará disponible en Xbox One y PlayStation 4, mientras que su edición física para consola […]

The top ten things you didn’t know about hacking

The word ‘hacking’ conjures up images of a Dex-like underworld… a kind of invasive techno-shamanism at the fringes of our society. But hacking is much more present in our everyday than you might realise – you don’t need secret training from an anarchistic legend to learn the trade, not when there even an accredited course where graduates walk out with a hacking certificate.

Tricktionary Part 1: Ollie, Kickflip, Heelflip and Shove its

OlliOlli and OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood are hard games! Meaning you will slam on your face. However, to reduce the risk of injury and pride in front of your friends and online community we recommend you get to know these basic tricks inside out first and learn how to use them in our series of “Tricktionary” blogs. You can even learn how to do it in real life as well!

Badland Games interviews Carlos B Garcia on Anima: Gate of Memories

Anima: Gate of Memories, developed by Anima Project has only been out a week and has recieved some high praise reviews from magazine companies like IGN as well as some general excitment buzz from let’s play videos and social media on this third person, action RPG.

Badland Games caught up with Carlos B Garcia to ask him more about the game and working on it since its Kickstarter.

Design a skate deck to win some OlliOlli prizes in our Grandyo competition

The boxed release of OlliOlli: Epic Combo Edition and OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood is coming this Summer 2016 to PS4. To celebrate its up and coming release we are inviting skaters, young/old, beginner/pro, new or current fans of the OlliOlli franchise, literally anyone to send in their creative prints on a skateboard deck.

Cyberpunk’s Related Genres

Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction. As such, it shares many similarities with sci-fi in general. However, there are other subgenres that are even more tightly connected with cyberpunk, some of which are its direct descendants or variations.