Tricktionary Part 1: Ollie, Kickflip, Heelflip and Shove its


OlliOlli: Epic Combo Edition and OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood

OlliOlli and OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood are hard games! Meaning you will slam on your face. However, to reduce the risk of injury and pride in front of your friends and online community we recommend you get to know these basic tricks inside out first and learn how to use them in our series of “Tricktionary” blogs. You can even learn how to do it in real life as well!

Below are simple, basic tricks to learn before you can tackle career mode in the game. Don’t laugh! these tricks are the building blocks, the tools, to enable you in becoming a pro.



The ollie was invented in 1977 by a guy named, Alan Gelfand who was keen to perform a jump with the skateboard without using his hands, instead using a gentle raising of the nose and scooping motion of the board.

The ollie is basically the mixture of popping, kicking and jumping on the skateboard all at the same time. Invented in vertical skateboarding, and later on flat ground, it is not obvious how the lift off is achieved, making the trick visually striking.

The ollie is a fundamental trick in street skateboarding, and is used to leap onto, over, or off obstacles, or over gaps of unfriendly terrain such as grass or stairs. As so many other tricks depend on it - for example the kickflip and heelflip - the ollie is often the first trick to be learned by new skateboarders.

How to do the trick on the board

Video (Credit: GoSkate ttp:// )


How to do it OlliOlli.





The kickflip is a move in skateboarding in which a rider flips their skateboard 360° along the axis that extends from the nose to the tail of the deck. When the rider is “regular footed” the board spins clockwise if viewed from the front.

It was the first of many modern flip tricks to be invented or modified by Rodney Mullen in the early 1980s. The original Kickflip was invented by pioneer Curt Lindgren prior to 1978 and was only modified by Mullen.

How to do the trick on the board

Video (Credit Braille Skateboarding:

How to do it in OlliOlli:

trick list basic

All stick movement should happen while on the ground or on a Grind.


To pull a Kickflip, hold Right, to go into charging (skater bends down)

Hold this position for a few seconds, however when you want to jump off a ledge, quickly move from Right to release, all in quick succession. So in a way, all tricks are executed with quick little flicks

Don’t forget to release the stick quickly, or your trick input won’t count!



The heelflip (aka heel), is an aerial skateboarding trick where the skateboarder kicks out in front of him/her flipping board 360 degrees along the board’s long axis. A heelflip is executed similarly to the ollie, and like the ollie has become a defining trick of “New School” skateboarding

A heelflip is the opposite of a kickflip, the board spins toe-side (towards the toes). For a regular skater (left foot in front) the board spins clockwise from the perspective of one behind the skater. Again, there is a kick as part of the ollie but unlike the kickflip it is directed forward and outwards away from the rider’s toe side (diagonal), so that the last part of the foot to leave the board is the heel, hence the name.

How to do the trick on the board

Video: Credit (ExpertVillage)

How to do it in OlliOlli:

Hold right on the left stick to go into charging (skater bends down)

Hold this position for a few seconds, however when you want to jump off a ledge, quickly move from Right to left, all in quick succession and release the stick.

trick list basic

Frontside and Backside shove it

A Shove-it (or shuvit) is a skateboarding trick where the skateboarder makes the board spin 180 degrees without the tail of the board hitting the ground, or more, under his/her feet. There are many variations of the shove-it but they all follow the same principle: The skateboarder’s lead foot remains in one spot, while the back foot performs the “shove”.

How to do the trick on the board

Video: Credit (Slick Willies )

How to do it in OlliOlli:

Hold right on the left stick to go into charging (skater bends down)

Hold this position for a few seconds, however when you want to jump off a ledge, quickly move from Right to down and clockwise motion to up position for frontside and anti-clockwise for backside.


OlliOlli: Epic Combo Edition and OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood

The title games are available for PS4 boxed only. Click the images below for more information.

OlliOlli: Epic Combo Edition

OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood


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