

Awe is a god-game about expressing one’s creativity by shaping and building planets’ ecosystems in a soothing and relaxing ambiance carried by beautiful, minimalist lowpoly 3D art style and atmospheric music.

A constant sense of progression and discoveries will maintain the player’s interest throughout puzzle-like levels, leading him to eventually understand his place and purpose as a god in this universe he’ll have created.

The theme of Awe is a spiritual journey through soothing and esoteric aesthetics:
- spiritual: the game places the player as a god in a yet to be shaped universe. The narrative hints that will punctuate the player progression will take him to the revelation of his true nature and purpose
- journey: a central element of the game is the idea of progression and discovery. Progression as the player will advance through puzzles with increasing “complexity” (the objective is not to make a difficult game, and although some puzzles may seem more complex than others, they are always easily solvable). Discovery as each planet will offer the player new assets to create and new rules to do so. The understanding of how these rules interact is also part of the discoveries that the player will experience
- soothing aesthetics: the 3D lowpoly art, the music and sound effects, everything is used to put the player in a relaxing, non-aggressive ambiance. To simply experience the game’s aesthetics without even interacting with it is already enjoyable
- esoteric aesthetics: through its art style, visual language and textual communication with the player, the game will be bathed in mild esotericism, giving more emphasis on the symbolism than on the polished render of its components

Here you can play our demo

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